Crystal Koro Of Facify: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry

Crystal Koro Of Facify: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry

Soothing Sensitive Skin Reading Crystal Koro Of Facify: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry 10 minutes Next The Best Winter Skincare Tips From the Experts

By: Yitzi Weiner


… Most people will admit that they don’t always feel their best all the time. Even the most beautiful and successful people have their off days, but it may be that you need a shift in perspective. It all begins with trying to love ourselves first and I am a firm believer that your thoughts become your reality. One of my favorite things to do in the morning is my daily mirror affirmations. Everything is energy and when you start your morning off on a positive note it truly shifts your mindset and sets the tone to a positive start to the day. I love listening to Louise Hay’s affirmations and repeating them while looking in the mirror.

Crystal Clear Skin and Beauty was founded by Crystal Koro in 2016. Her signature treatments quickly gained acclaim from social media influencers like Kylie Jenner, Drake, Eva Mendez, Patrick Ta, Ariana Grande, and Olivia Culpo. Crystal’s been featured on The Doctors and PopSugar as “master esthetician to the stars” and yet she has the uncanny ability to make every client she works with feel like a star.

What sets Crystal in a league of her own is her fiery passion for skincare and skin tech. As new products and devices enter the field, Crystal is devoted to staying ahead of the curve with innovative technology to ensure her clients get the absolute best results possible. Her unwavering warmth, hospitality, and professionalism ensures clients get the same platinum service, every time.

Crystal’s ready to share all her skincare secrets with you because she believes everyone deserves Crystal Clear Skin.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

The most notable experience I have had since starting my career as an esthetician is being flown first class on Emirates to Dubai to work with the royal family and was able to experience a week in their life. I was assigned my own personal assistant and literally treated like royalty! It is an experience I will never forget and will forever be grateful for.

Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

A major “tipping point” in my career would probably be when I was featured on The Doctors show and then had the opportunity to work with Kylie Jenner and give her first facial ever before she launched her skincare line. So many doors were opened for me and so many more opportunities to work with celebrity clients. When Kylie Jenner had posted on Instagram that she was getting a facial with me, it really showed the power of social media and gave me the confidence boost I needed to keep going. One of the biggest lessons I had to learn is to not be afraid to put yourself out there and reach out to people. I have personally reached out to celebrity makeup artists and hair stylists which then opened more doors to celebrity clients. Although I have given my fair share of free treatments, it has definitely paid off in the long run.

Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Yes! I have to give credit to Cameron Vessey at the La Jolla Cosmetic Center for inspiring me to become an esthetician. She was the Lead Esthetician while I was working there as a Medical Assistant many years ago and I remember always admiring her knowledge, her angelic, glowing skin and aspired to be just like her. She is one of the reasons why I do what I do today.

The global beauty industry today has grown to more than a half a trillion dollar business. Can you tell us about the innovations that you are bringing to the industry? How do you think that will help people?

The beauty industry is constantly filled with new innovations, so I always do my best to stay up to date on all of the latest and greatest in the industry. I decided to create a beauty tool of my own called the Facify Beauty Wand, one of the very first multifunctional beauty tools on the market. I was inspired during the COVID lockdown when we were all left feeling uncertain of when we would be able to go back into the treatment room. I created Facify for my clients to receive professional results from home and have received so much amazing feedback and support since launching my new device. Launching Facify has helped me grow not only as an esthetician, but as an entrepreneur!

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the modern beauty industry?

  1. I love that the beauty industry is constantly evolving and being able to see the latest technologies and techniques being used in other treatment rooms that I can implement into my own to get the best results for my clients. I consistently attend trade shows and conferences because this industry is always changing, and I want to constantly be learning something new.
  2. One of the best parts about being in the industry for so long is seeing all the new estheticians growing and being recognized for their success because I remember when I was in their position just starting out. We all have to support each other in this industry, and I have made lifelong friendships because of it.
  3. As I have said before, this industry is always evolving, including what we can legally do as estheticians. Our scope of practice has slowly but surely been growing which means we can provide so many more treatments than we used to. I am excited to see what we will be able to do in the future!

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to improve the industry, what would you suggest?

  1. I think what frustrates me the most is the limited abilities of an Esthetician’s scope of practice in the state of California, meanwhile other states require less schooling hours yet their scope of practice allows them to perform far more invasive procedures. I wish that all states had some sort of common ground.
  2. Another concern is the lack of in-depth education on diverse skin types in Esthetician textbooks. There needs to be more education on how to treat different skin colors rather than just listing the fundamentals of the Fitzpatrick scale.
  3. I also wish this industry was less competitive and involved more of a sense of community. I understand that we are all working in the same industry and want to succeed, but I believe it is so important to build each other up and support one another. There is enough room for everyone to be successful.

You are an expert about beauty. Can you share a few ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”?

Most people will admit that they don’t always feel their best all the time. Even the most beautiful and successful people have their off days, but it may be that you need a shift in perspective. It all begins with trying to love ourselves first and I am a firm believer that your thoughts become your reality. One of my favorite things to do in the morning is my daily mirror affirmations. Everything is energy and when you start your morning off on a positive note it truly shifts your mindset and sets the tone to a positive start to the day. I love listening to Louise Hay’s affirmations and repeating them while looking in the mirror. Here are just a few affirmations:

  1. Life loves me!
  2. All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!
  3. It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
  4. The point of power is always in the present moment.
  5. Every thought we think is creating our future.
  6. I am in the process of positive change.
  7. I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, “I love you, I really love you.”
  8. It is safe to look within.
  9. I forgive myself and set myself free.
  10. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
  11. I am beautiful

Based on your experience and success, Can you please share “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”.

  1. Confidence — fake it ’til you make it.
  2. Put yourself out there even when it may feel uncomfortable. Discomfort = growth.
  3. Never talk badly about anyone. I am a huge believer in Karma and think that putting negative energy into the universe will only bring it back to you.
  4. Always have good intentions with everything you do.
  5. Utilize social media because it is the best free marketing out there

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that Was it relevant to you in your life?

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelo

I am who I am today because I am always evolving to become a better version of myself than I was yesterday. I will always remember my first actual paying client after I graduated from school. I was so confident yet I made so many errors and that’s okay because I acknowledged my mistakes, learned from them and became better.

How can our readers follow you online?

You can keep up with me on Instagram @crystal_clear_skin_and_beauty or by subscribing to my website You can also follow my new beauty device @facifybeauty on Instagram or try it for yourself through our website